207 Tompkins Street Syracuse, NY 13204

St. John the Baptist

Easter 2024 Liturgical Schedule: continues with services during Bright Week.

Easter 2024 Liturgical Schedule
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
With these words we joyfully greet each other on Easter Sunday and throughout the next six weeks. The Resurrection of Christ raises our minds to faith in the existence of another life, far more secure and far more beautiful. At the same time it enkindles our hopes of attaining it. It gives true meaning to life; it places true value upon all of man's good deeds, linking them into a golden chain that reaches into eternity. This is the significance of Easter. Its annual commemoration is the greatest day in the liturgical calendar. The Liturgy of the Eastern Church calls it the “Feast of feasts, and Solemnity of solemnities.” There is a reason to rejoice, to rembrace each other and by the Resurrection to forgive those who hate us and to cry out: “Christ is risen from the dead! By death He conquered Death, and to those in the graves He granted life.” Best wishes to you and to your families for a happy and blessed Easter. Christ is Risen! He is truly risen!
Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!
Цими словами ми з радістю вітаємо один одного у великодню неділю і впродовж шість тижнів. Христове Воскресіння побуджує нашу віру в існування іншого життя, далеко кращого і більш забезпечного. В цей же сам час воно відновлює нашу надію в можливість осягнення вічного життя. Воскресіння Христове надає правдиве значення життю; воно ставить велику вартість на всі людські вчинки і лучить їх в один дорогоцінний ланцюг, що сягає аж у вічність. Ось це є правдиве значення Великодня. Щорічне його святкування це найважніший день у церковному календарі. Літургія нашої Східньої Церкви називає цей день «празників празник і торжерство торжеств. Отож маємо причину радіти, «обняти один одного, з Воскресінням простити тим, що нас ненавидять і разом заспівати: «Христос воскрес із мертвих; смертю смерть подолав і тим що в гробах життя дарував.» Бажаємо вам і вашим рідним веселих і радісних Великодних Свят. 

Easter Bake Sale

The Apostleship of Prayer thanks all who supported our Easter Bake Sale!

Rosary Workshop

The Apostleship of Prayer is sponsoring a Lenten rosary making workshop on Sunday, April 22 at 2 p.m. in the church undercroft. No experience necessary. Supplies and light refreshments will be provided. Any parishioner is invited to attend. 

New Liturgy Times  for Winter Hours - Summer hours will change in May

Starting Sunday, September 10, the parish will return to Winter Hours on Sundays. 
The new Liturgy times will be:

9:00 AM (English and Ukrainian) 
11:00AM (Ukrainian)

Новий график Літургії  зимовий години 

З неділі, 10 Вересень, парафія повернеться до літніх годин у неділю. 
Новий график Літургії

9:00 (англійськоюукраїнська) 
11:00 ранку (українська) 

Saturday Vigil liturgy remains at 4:00 p.m.

Church Interior Update Completed!

Our church interior has been updated with a brighter look. See a few photos here

Thank you to those who have made donations to support this important project. Donations are still being accepted. Donors will be listed in our weekly bulletin.


St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church has established an Humanitarian Aid fund to accept monetary donations for Ukraine.
We accept cash and checks made payable to “St. John the Baptist UCC.”  Please place your donation in an envelope and mark Ukraine on the envelope.
Credit Card donations can be made right here on the church’s website on our WeShare page. Once there, you can click on the Help Ukraine tab and follow the prompts.
NO amount is too small!
Links summary:
Thank you for your prayers. Our parish and the Ukrainian American community in Onondaga County thank everyone for praying for peace in Ukraine. We ask that you continue to hold Ukraine in your prayers for a peaceful resolution to the aggression on our homeland's western border.

Newly Established Prayer Chain

Our parish has re-ignited a prayer chain for special intentions. Sponsored by the Apostleship of Prayer, please feel free to submit your special requests and also to volunteer as a member of the prayer chain. If you would like to be part of the Prayer Chain or have a prayer request, please contact:

Linda Wisnowski - (English only) at 315-451-0712; or Lesia Nowey - (Ukrainian & English) at 315-857-7281. All requests are confidential.

Saturday: 4:00 p.m. English
Sunday: Winter hours (beginning 9-10-23): 9:00 a.m., English and Ukrainian;  11:00 a.m.  Ukrainian
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 a.m.

Holy Days: 9 a.m. on the Feast Day; 6 p.m. Vigil the evening before the Feast.

May: Moleben to the Mother of God, 6 p.m. every Wednesday

June: Moleben to Christ the Lover of Mankind, 6 p.m. every Wednesday

10:00 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Connect with us on Facebook!

Confessions: Confessions before and after Liturgies or by request.
Baptisms: Please contact the parish office before arranging the date.
Marriage: Call the parish at least 6 months in advance. Pre-marital counseling is mandatory.
Religious Education: Religious Education every Sunday at 10 am in the parish school. If you would like to register your children please contact Raymond Wihak.
Sacrament of the Sick: In case of emergency, call parish anytime.
Bulletin Deadline: Monday of every week.
Church Facilities: Any use of church facilities must be cleared in advance at the rectory.
Cemetery: The purchase of cemetery plots is a privilege reserved for parishioners. Please contact the rectory before any major improvements are undertaken.
Bequests: In making out your will, kindly remember your church. St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Syracuse NY is our legal title.