2024 Christmas Services schedule
Click on the link below to see the full schedule of Christmas activities and Divine Liturgies.
Apostleship Annual Christmas Bread Sale - December 21, 2024
The Apostleship will have items for pick up on Saturday, December 21st, or Sunday, December 22st in the church undercroft. See the attached pre-order form for items, prices, and details.
2024 Annual Christmas Pre-order Form
Note that items are available by pre-order, only. NO pick up of orders BEFORE Saturday to allow for proper cooling and packaging.
As always, we thank you for your support. These delicious items make perfect Christmas gifts to share with friends and family.
Annual New Year's Eve Party - December 31, starting at 8 p.m.
Join family and friends at the parish's annual New Year's Eve Party. Come and enjoy good company, delicious food, and music. Contact Father Mihai to purchas your ticket.
Cost: $100.00 per adult, $50.00 per student; Free for children 13 years of age and under.
2025 Weekly Envelopes
We are currently updating our parishioner information for the 2025 Church Envelopes. If you do not wish to receive envelopes next year, please contact the rectory office or drop a note in the church collection basket. If you have not used your 2024 envelopes this year, you will automatically NOT receive 2025 envelopes. Please feel free to contact the rectory if you have any questions.
Epistle Readers Needed
If you are interested in helping your parish and getting more involved, We need you! We are looking for any parishioners who would be willing to be Epistle readers at the Saturday 4:00pm and/or Sunday 9:00am Divine Liturgy. If you are interested, please contact Stephanie Woyciesjes at 315-657-6868 or via email at saw@twcny.rr.com.
Please note, if you are currently a reader, your name will remain on the schedule, unless you notify us. Please consider becoming an Official Epistle Reader
New Boiler Needed!
We need your help! The church's boiler/heating system needs to be replaced. We are asking parishioners for donations to help offset the cost of purchasing and installing this vital system.
Please put your donation in an envelope marked "Boiler Project" and drop it in the collection basket. You may also stop by the rectory on Tuesday during office hours to make a donation. You may also donate online through the WeShare Giving page on the website.
Church Interior Update Completed!
Our church interior has been updated with a brighter look. See a few photos here.Thank you to those who have donated to support this important project. Donations are still being accepted, and donors will be listed in our weekly bulletin.
Newly Established Prayer Chain
Our parish has re-ignited a prayer chain for special intentions. Sponsored by the Apostleship of Prayer, please feel free to submit your special requests and volunteer as a member of the prayer chain. If you would like to be part of the Prayer Chain or have a prayer request, please contact:
Linda Wisnowski - (English only) at 315-451-0712; or Lesia Nowey - (Ukrainian & English) at 315-857-7281. All requests are confidential.
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. English
Sunday: Winter (September): 9:00 a.m., English and Ukrainian; 11:00 a.m. Ukrainian
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days: 9 a.m. on the Feast Day; 6 p.m. Vigil the evening before the Feast.
May: Moleben to the Mother of God, 6 p.m. every Wednesday
June: Moleben to Christ the Lover of Mankind, 6 p.m. every Wednesday
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Confessions: Confessions before and after Liturgies or by request.
Baptisms: Please contact the parish office before arranging the date.
Marriage: Call the parish at least 6 months in advance. Pre-marital counseling is mandatory.
Religious Education: Religious Education every Sunday at 10 am in the parish school. If you would like to register your children please contact Raymond Wihak.
Sacrament of the Sick: In case of emergency, call parish anytime.
Bulletin Deadline: Monday of every week.
Church Facilities: Any use of church facilities must be cleared in advance at the rectory.
Cemetery: The purchase of cemetery plots is a privilege reserved for parishioners. Please contact the rectory before any major improvements are undertaken.
Bequests: In making out your will, kindly remember your church. St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Syracuse NY is our legal title.